Saturday, May 19, 2012

Learning Assembly language from basics

hi guys sorry for posting late as i dont have much time from school and other things after learning some basic python i am going with assembly language yeah its hard as some of hardware things are important for it. its 1 level up from binary and the programs work hell fast in assembly. Directly jumping to assembly is risky first you need to study architecture of your computer and its working there are some selected book which cover from basics to advanced i am posting some of them if you are totally new to ASM consider reading "programming from ground up" the things are quite good in it and easy to understand
another great book is the art of assembly. basically ASM and its code is based on type of processor there are major 2 types of processor
  1. CISC (pentium, asus, etc)
  2. RISC (SCADA devices use this processors to make work faster and easier)
so have fun with assembly it will also create your programming concepts more clear and better. i have put 4 best books to read to learn ASM
  1. Art of assembly 
  2. programming from ground up
  3. Guide to Assembly Language - A Concise Introduction 
  4. Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture
  5. Introduction to assembly language
download other books =>here

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reading and Editing metadata using exiftool

hi guys this is helpful to many to trace people and reading data and adding information sometimes wrong information for misdirection.
ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files.


  • Powerful, fast, flexible and customizable
  • Supports a large number of different file formats
  • Reads EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, MakerNotes, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP, ID3 and more...
  • Writes EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, MakerNotes, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, AFCP and more...
  • Reads and writes maker notes of many digital cameras
  • Decodes a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
  • Numerous output formatting options (including tab-delimited, HTML, XML and JSON)
  • Multi-lingual output (cs, de, en, en-ca, en-gb, es, fi, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, ru, sv, tr, zh-cn or zh-tw)
  • Geotags images from GPS track log files (with time drift correction!)
  • Generates track logs from geotagged images
  • Shifts date/time values to fix timestamps in images
  • Renames files and organizes in directories (by date or by any other meta information)
  • Extracts thumbnail images, preview images, and large JPEG images from RAW files
  • Copies meta information between files (even different-format files)
  • Reads/writes structured XMP information
  • Deletes meta information individually, in groups, or altogether
  • Sets the file modification date from EXIF information
  • Supports alternate language tags in XMP, PNG, ID3, Font, QuickTime, ICC Profile, MIE and MXF information
  • Processes entire directory trees
  • Creates text output file for each image file
  • Creates binary-format metadata-only (MIE) files for metadata backup
  • Automatically backs up original image when writing
  • Organizes output into groups
  • Conditionally processes files based on value of any meta information
  • Ability to add custom user-defined tags
  • Support for MWG (Metadata Working Group) recommendations
  • Recognizes thousands of different tags
  • Tested with images from thousands of different camera models
  • Advanced verbose and HTML-based hex dump outputs
how to use on windows just for basics
open command put exiftool and your image in same directory and type
exiftool a.jpg -a
and boom you have all the info theres much more than this but for now we will keep it to this much theres more info here 

WHMCS pentesting tool

hi guys wassup today i found a good tool for pentesting WHMCS servers it has many types of payloads and exploits so have fun and happy hacking its made by team of projectx blog
*In .EXE Format
* 10 payloads = 10 directories
* Gets the db_username, db_password, db_license, db_host, db_name, cc_enryption_hash, and templates_compiledir
* Allows the user to use their own directory by putting it after the target link
* Added a song entitled Cowboys From Hell by Pantera (because we love Metal Rock! m/)
Download Link:

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