Sunday, September 11, 2011

Clean recent and temporary files in a single program

Paste this coding in notepad and save it as .bat with any name

@echo off

if %username% == Administrator.WINDOWS goto admin

REM ** Delete User Files **

rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Recent"
rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temp"
rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\History\History.ie5"
rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\content.ie5"

goto end

REM ** Do some extra stuff here **
REM ** What ever you want..... **

ECHO You are a Administrator

rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Recent"
rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temp"
rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\History\History.ie5"
rmdir /S/Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\content.ie5"

REM ** Do more stuff here **
REM ** Blah, blah, blah......**



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