i know you have some idea that in deface pages people put their photo graphs with messages or sometimes if you wanna know who uploaded this photo to facebook then open the URL of image
then see the middle number for eg for this one
www.some.fcbdn.akamahid.net/216512_204732556226334_100000687732419_582854_6270883_n.jpg etcthe highlighted one is our profile ID
then how to get info for that ID so we use facebook graph API so goto
http://graph.facebook.com/?id= then put what you got and yes you got the user info you can simply search him/her on facebook
and if you have a URL of photo with all facebook like,tag stuff then it will look like this so the highlighted portion is your ID
i am also thinking same about blogger and twitter any ideas what do you say guys
this also works for pages, and profiles only
nice aricle....
there is one python script that will extract first 1000 pic of FB users....but need to check whether it is still operational or not.
u r gr8
Gud Work
thanks all
nice one.. :-)
it appears that this "trick" didn't work anymore due to new host servers
Hey Friend i have a profile image from facebook yeah it's her but i wanna find him i have his profile image with profile image code i wanna find her. can you help me. do you got me ? :D please any idea ?
hmm it doesn't seem to work anymore, right? Damn
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